Sample Classroom Lesson Using the Cards


Looking Forward (20 minutes)

Ask students if any of their families set a New Year’s resolution (or a resolution at any other time of year). Explain that often a resolution is an intention you create for yourself. Consider explaining further:

Our society sometimes trivializes the tradition of resolutions by focusing on cosmetic or superficial improvements. Ideally a resolution pushes us to grow in a new way or to build on a strength we are developing. Today we will be looking at how to make this resolution process more real for ourselves. Today we will encourage a future-oriented resolution that supports your growth and health. You will be considering the question:

  • What kind of person do you want to become between now and the end of high school?

Spread out the symbol cards in the middle on the floor. Give students a few minutes to look at the cards, but instruct them NOT to touch them.

Then, on your signal (or go around the circle one at a time), invite students to select a symbol card that will help them in their quest to become the type of person they’d like to be over the next 3.5 years. If someone else takes their card, they may pick a new one or share that card.

Pull up slide and give students a few minutes to journal about the following questions:

  • What kind of person do you want to become between now and the end of high school? 
  • Why did you pick the card you did? What spoke to you about it (ex. colors, image, word)? How will this help you become the type of person you’d like to be?

Then, if there’s time, go around the circle and have each student share which card they picked and why.

(Lesson reprinted with permission from Katie Kukulski, Greenhills School, Ann Arbor, MI)