Nurturing Your Inner Life

LOTUS_shutterstock_2#243E06The Insight Story Cards are meant to help you get in touch with and nurture your inner life. The cards are wonderful tools for accessing the deeper parts of yourself and the synchronistic events that are happening around you. Nurturing your inner life is important. Here are five reasons why:

1. Develops Emotional Strength: Emotions play a vital part in our lives and becoming familiar with all that exist within us is crucial for a full and rich life of emotional strength and wisdom.

2. Taps One’s Inner Power: Understanding and working with the forces within gives us power that is real, lasting and contagious. The deeper we go, the more powerful we become.

3. Uncovers the Subconscious: Our inner life is directly connected to our subconscious. As we connect with it in true partnership, we are able to be more in control of our lives.

4. Grows Our Authentic Self: Taking care of one’s inner self leads to greater wholeness and authenticity. Without it, we can become split; we can lose touch with important parts of ourselves, which soon gain power over us without our knowledge or our capacity to change them.

5. Harnesses the Creative Force: Besides great power, one can achieve great creativity by listening to and working with the voice and creative guidance of our inner self. Creativity often comes from “out of the blue” and nurturing our inner lives creates the space for this creative force to emerge.

“Most true happiness comes from one’s inner life,
from the disposition of the mind and soul.
Admittedly, a good inner life is difficult to achieve,
especially in these trying times.
It takes reflection and contemplation and self-discipline.”
–– William L Shirer (20th century historian and journalist)