For Educators & Therapists

The Insight Story™ Card Set is a wonderful tool for educators and therapists. The cards easily engage students and clients with their internal experiences and can lead to important insights and valuable conversations. Sometimes images are what are needed to trigger a thought, a feeling or a deep belief. The Insight Story Card illustrations have a way of accessing the subconscious realm that may not be accessible. All we need is to take the time to listen within and then share our experiences.

Press Release

June 2010 – The Insight Story Cards Help People Develop Psychological Well Being,” (PDF, 43k)

… a potent and yet down-to-earth collection of symbols that offer young people and adults a lighthearted means to express themselves and meet each other in unique ways. The card set is a marvelous addition to the educator’s toolkit.”
–– Mark Wilding, PassageWorks Institute

…an exciting and provocative way for individuals and couples to discover new insights into their own and their partner’s inner journeys. I would recommend them to all my clients.”
–– Ted Barrett-Page, JD, MSW (Individual and Marriage Therapist)